Dayton Hamvention


The piglets will be sending a contingent of volunteers to assist the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) with the Dayton Hamvention.

What do we mean by help?
DARA has asked that each volunteer help by volunteering 6 hours of your time during the Hamvention. last year, we split our time up into 2 three-hour shifts. You can also do it all in one six-hour go. We are usually assigned to walk the exhibition halls to assist vendors if an issue arises or direct visitors to nearest restrooms, raffle booth or their favorite vendor. If you are unable to stand for a full shift, let us know and we will work with DARA to make sure you ahve a volunteer position that allows you to stay off of your feet.

What is in it for The Piglets?

  • You get the satisfaction in knowing that you are ensuring the continued success of one of the greatest Ham Radio events that the world knows.
  • Free admission to the Hamvention (your stub IS ELIGIBLE for prize drawings)
  • Stylish volunteer t-shirt
  • Swanky volunteer hat

If you would be willing to volunteer to help DARA and carry on a great tradition of ham radio, please let me know ASAP so DARA can plan and count on us.

The Piglets will be reserving a campsite at Caesar creek state park from Thursday - Sunday. This is a short 25 minute car ride from the fairgrounds and gives us the opportunity to activate a POTA entity the entire time that we are at “home”.

  • Tent camping
  • Flush toilets
  • Clean(ish) showers
  • Electric power

My current plan is to leave in the afternoon on May 18th. Maybe we do a couple quick POTA activations along the way. I will camp on Thursday night and will likely open the Hamvention with a solid 6 hour shift. This will leave me with a clean day of swap-meet fun on Saturday. I will likely leave Sunday morning for home. If you would like to get a carpool going, please comment below. You plans can be completely different. You are welcome to come and go as you please, volunteer at different times, or even stay at a hotel. I do have a 12 x12 lodge of a tent. it will VERY comfortable sleep three grown humans at a very comfortable distance away from each other.

For every 6 people, we need to reserve another campsite. So, please RSVP if you are going or not so we cam properly plan this event. It truly is a wonderful experience and leaves you feeling great.

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@W9CZK I’ve got a ticket, but happy to volunteer. Also, I too would prefer to blast 6 hours out on opening day. If we’re volunteering, do we need to fill out the Volunteer Form?

Regarding camping, I spoke with Eric, and we’re down. Between our backpacking trips and love for dumping money into REI, we should have good spread.

Let me get back to you on the volunteer form. Last year we just gave them our information directly. They may want it in the form this year. Melissa did tell me that they will give us a priority for desired shifts and locations.

The good news is that with your second ticket, you have double the opportunity to win prizes!

I am so down for another SOTA ;). This was a blast last year! Mind you, we did get some severe thunderstorms the first night in in our tents but everyone survived and we had a blast!

This just in… DARA would really like our help on Friday morning. If we could do training, we would need to be there super and early to help direct the vendors on where to park. Then when gates open, we are completely free for the whole of the event.

They would appreciate all of us on force there Friday morning. This is really an awesome opportunity because we would work BEFORE the event and this is a role that DARA has a very difficult time in filling. Not to mention that many of us have traffic control training from EMA.


Working before the event sounds great!

Sounds very cool. I’m in.

I’m in, just no POTA @2am the night before like last time :wink: