Fort Wayne Hamfest 2023

The Fort Wayne Hamfest is coming up. November 18th from 9am-4pm and Nov 19th 9am-2pm.

Event details can be found HERE.

The piglets have a premium booth with an electrical drop. That means that we do not need to run off of battery all day like we did last year. Please us this thread to arrange rides and make plans for the weekend. Maybe we will only want to go for one day. maybe both days. I leave that up to everyone here to decide.

What to expect:

  • We have our booth available both days.

  • The club has some things that have been donated to us that we will try to sell.

  • Server racks, VHF repeaters, Motorola HTs, etc.

  • Members are welcome to bring their own items to sell at the hamfest. You can simply leave it at the booth with a note to those manning the booth what the lowest you will take for it is.

  • We need volunteers to man the booth and to ferry materials to and from the event.

Please respond to this thread if youre going, if you want to share a ride or whatever…

I plan to be at the booth all day Saturday and will be selling a bunch of 3D printed items such as line winders, arrow antenna accessories and other various ham radio related prints and kits.

I also have some oddball things that I need to sell such as an Elecraft power meter, repeater controllers and who knows what I find between now and then.

I am open for people to carpool with me. I will be leaving early to set up the table and will be there for the whole show. Probably stop to pick up some food on the way home.


I have made plans to be in Ft Wayne both days, I’ve arranged a place to stay that night. I will probably drive up on my own but I am available to work the club booth one or both days. I may also dig up some things to sell but I need to think that through.

I plan to be there Saturday and will probably have some things to sell. I’m not sure about Sunday yet. I can help man the booth.