Fort Wayne Hamfest

The Piglets are going to Fort Wayne!

If you want to join us, reply to this thread. I will update this post with the latest details. Talk directly with your driver for fine details.

Our goal is to raise awareness of our club and to have a good time. Who wouldn’t want to walk around and see what’s for sale? The Piglets have a booth at NO18. You are welcome to drop an item such as a radio on our table to sell.

We will be carpooling. If you want to drive yourself and meet us there, we do not mind. If you want to hop along for the ride and have a good time, you can find the details of each vehicle and their schedule below. Let us know if you plant to drive and would like to open up your car to others. We can add you to the list below.

The Presidential Express
Departing @ 0630
Returning @ 1800
Mission: set up the club table


  • N9BCN beaconing
  • Remote HF operation to and from event
  • Hanging with the President and Veep.

Passenger Count:

  • W9CZK (Driver)
  • AC9XK
  • KD9MEQ
  • W9SDM

Deal Mobile
Departing @ 0800
Returning @ 1500
Mission: Find the best deals


  • Jammin’ to the oldies.
  • Probably won’t be there all day.
  • More room for bringing home that “lightly used” boat anchor.


  • KD9HYG (driver)
  • W9DCI
  • (available)
  • (available)

Lone wolves

  • none


I’ll ride up with Joe if he’s good with that.

@W9DCI You got shotgun on the Express! :slight_smile:

I will ride with the presidential express