Indiana QSO Party (INQP)

Hello piggies,

I hope you are waking up from the winter slumber and are ready for some radio action! Starting the summer months the Indiana QSO party is on Saturday, May 6th, 11 am-11 pm (1500-0300 UTC). We will operate from 11 am-7:30 pm so we have time to clean up before dark

The main goal for the piglets this year is to use the INQP as a testbed for the highly anticipated field day in June. By this I mean that we are trying to prove that the radio/technical infrastructure we plan to use for field day is going to work, and if it does not we have time to rethink.

  • By INQP rules we will operate as a Multi-Multi station as our goal for field day is to operate as a 3A (3 simultaneous HF transmitters +GOTA +Satellite+VHF/UHF)
    • For INQP we will operate with 3 HF stations and will ignore the 4th station (GOTA) for simplicity as the three main stations are the priority.

Rules for INQP here: The rules can be found here: Indiana QSO Party Rules

  • The location is 4921 East 450 South Whitestown, IN 46075
  • Setup starts at 8:30 AM we will be doing a bit of experimenting with antenna setups so this may take some time
    • Jeff W9DCI controls the property we are operating at and has made available storage for our equipment before the event in case anyone wants to drop off their stuff at an earlier date to make transit easier.
      • Contact Jeff W9DCI about drop-off times
  • I have made a spreadsheet listing the majority of the items that we will need for the event
  • Piglets get hungry!
    • We could use some people to help out with food for this event
    • Drinks, Hotdogs, Burgers, sides, desserts, etc.
    • Let me know if you are able to bring something and I’ll add you to the spreadsheet under the food tab.
  • Piglets need your help!
    • In the same equipment spreadsheet, I have added several roles that I am hoping people can sign up for so we have enough people to get the job done and so most people have an idea of what they will be doing or can lend a hand with.
    • Send me a message and I will add you to the roles list.
  • I will be updating this post as more information is available but in the meantime feel free to discuss plans in the Discord

Hope to see you there!

73s de KD9MEQ

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IN QSO Party has come and gone and with that we have some pictures of the setup and some lessons learned.

A Solar Flare unfortunately hit the earth during the event causing the Band conditions to become absolutely terrible. 40m alone was showing an S9+10 noise floor throughout most of the day.

Despite this we managed 88 QSOs (full score details to follow) on both SSB and CW. We successfully tested multi-station operations with 2 doublets and 2 tuners (one a parallel manual tuner).

We did run into some issues with wind. I think some lessons there are that we need to make sure we tie stuff down well even if there is no wind during setup.

A Big Thank you to Jeff (W9DCI) for offering this location and organizing the event.

As Promised I have submitted the QSO Party Cabrillo log to for submission.

We had 88 QSOs with a claimed score of 4,268. Not bad considering the bands. It seems the INQP had a lot of people with contact issues so this is no surprise. I’d say we faired well given the circumstances