Intro to Amateur Radio Presentation

The Piglets will be hosting an informational meeting for the local community at Westfield Washington Public Library (WWPL) on November 5, 2022.

The presentation will include:

  • History
  • Use in society
  • Use as hobby
  • Future
  • Demonstrations

If you have interest in presenting a topic of interest or would simply like to be present, I would be happy to have you. Please respond to this event and we can start planning it. My goal is to spread knowledge of what we do and gain interest in the amateur radio community. There are many people who don’t know how to get started in this hobby and this may be their first steppingstone.

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Knew about this but sneaking up on me anyway.

I would like to be involved.

Reviewed the WWPL calendar today and not listed.


Thanks for the interest. As discussed at the members meeting, (I’m sure you probably didn’t hear me at that venue) we are working with the library more in depth and have moved it into November so that they can put us on their calendar for the winter season.

I have updated this thread to show the new date and added an RSVP.

We are being rebranded in their schedule as a educational event rather than a private meeting.

I am not seeing the rsvp.

You clicked it already. Where it says “Going” at the top of the thread… that’s it. Easy-peasy.

Hey all, the library has us posted on their events page. We need to get the word out for people to attend.

Here’s the link…

The general public can RSVP through the WWPL website.