North American QSO Party (SSB) Club Contesting Event

This coming weekend (August 20) is the North American QSO Party contest! My wife and I plan on hosting it at our place 2554 Live Oak Ln. Westfield, IN 46074. Contest starts at 2pm to 2am eastern. Plan to come at 1pm so we can get setup. There will be snacks, burgers, maybe a fire in the back yard. We will have an outdoor canopy tent 20’x40’ for the 2 stations to operate. Parking may be tricky depending on RSVP count so please watch here for updates on that. There will be a bring your own dessert bar area so bring one if you want. (not required). If you are bringing family no problem just reply with how many in addition to your RSVP

I am looking forward to this. I will be bringing my wife and two kids along. I am sure that they will leave fairly quickly, but I am grateful for them to be able to put a face to the names I’m always mentioning.

I plan bring:

  • IC-7300 go-kit
  • Big Bertha (100 aH LiFePO battery)