Request for assistance

My WSJT-X is no longer working. I have replicated all the instructions I can fund. Would someone help me troubleshoot my issue?

What radio are you using? How do you have it connected to the computer normally?

FT-891. Has been connected to windows any HRD using WSJT-X for two years.

Is there any data coming in from the waterfall? are the correct audio devices selected in the settings? as in could they have changed accidentally? Also, when is the last time you synced your clock on the computer? it could be as simple as your clock being off and you are unable to decode data. When you transmit is it actually keying the transmitter? does there appear to be any interaction with the computer and the radio or is that not working as well?

I can see the signal in the waterfall but I don’t think there is any audio. I’ve a SignaLink sound card, don’t know how to determine if it is working. All the connections are the same. I did check my version of WSJT; and updated it from 2.5.0 to 2.5.5

I sync clock every time I use it for ham

Type “” in you web browser. Does it say “your time is exact”?

If you’re seeing the signals in the waterfall, you’re sound card is most likely working properly.

Yes, is the source I use

The audio coming in definitely doesn’t look like FT8, you appear to be selecting a USB soundcard but I am unsure if you have other audio options in your PC, if you could click the menu to show all input options make sure it’s correctly selecting the signal link. Your output audio does not look like it’s routed to the signal link as device selected isn’t the signal link as far as I can see. Are you able to control the radio witn HRD right now?

There is also an option in windows sound manager to listen to a microphone input through your speakers to monitor it. If you are unsure which input is the signal link you could listen to each audio input until you hear the sound of FT8. Also in device manager you should be able to view audio input devices. If you have that screen up and unplug the signal link you can see which devices disappears and then select that device in WSJTX

Are you still having issues connecting to the radio?

Yes, check all connections last night and got HRD working again. Sounds horrible. WSJT-X still not receiving or sending

Ok, so did you verify if the sound input and output were being directed to the correct sources? Also if you would like some help I’m generally free in the evenings to help you work through the troubleshooting. Just let me know.

When I disconnected the usb from the computer they disappeared. Yes, I would appreciate assistance. I’m usually home in the evening